Erica watsonii Dawn

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Erica x watsonii 'Dawn', a summer-flowering hybrid between the low, spreading. Dorset. Heath (<i>Erica ciliaris</i>) and the very compact. Cross-leaved Heath (<i>Erica tetralix</i>), two. European species. The resulting hybrid is a low, mounding, but somewhat spreading bush with bell-shaped flowers that are large for a European erica, rather reminiscent of the blooms of Daboecia 'Dawn' is one of several cultivars and has yellow-tinted new growth and deep pink flowers. The large flower makes it difficult for bees to reach the nectar, causing them to resort to biting through the corolla to access the nectaries, thereby disfiguring and shortening the life of the flowers. erica-2109htm'>Erica. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae

Erica x watsonii 'Dawn', a summer-flowering hybrid between the low, spreading. Dorset. Heath (Erica ciliaris) and the very compact. Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix), two. European species. The resulting hybrid is a low, mounding, but somewhat spreading bush with bell-shaped flowers that are large for a European erica, rather reminiscent of the blooms of Daboecia 'Dawn' is one of several cultivars and has yellow-tinted new growth and deep pink flowers. The large flower makes it difficult for bees to reach the nectar, causing them to resort to biting through the corolla to access the nectaries, thereby disfiguring and shortening the life of the flowers. erica-2109htm'>Erica. Order: Ericales, Family: Ericaceae


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