Edgeworthia gardneri

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Nepalese. Paper. Bush (<i>Edgeworthia gardneri</i>), an evergreen to semi-evergreen, spring-flowering shrub native to Nepal and Sikkim. It grows to around 2m high and wide, and differs from the more commonly grown. Edgeworthia chrysantha (often sold as Edgeworthia papyrifera</i>) in retaining most of its foliage over winter and in having spherical, rather than one-sided flowerheads. The flowers are scented but not especially strongly. edgeworthia-2238htm'>Edgeworthia. <a href='thymelaeaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Thymelaeaceae</a>.

Nepalese. Paper. Bush (Edgeworthia gardneri), an evergreen to semi-evergreen, spring-flowering shrub native to Nepal and Sikkim. It grows to around 2m high and wide, and differs from the more commonly grown. Edgeworthia chrysantha (often sold as Edgeworthia papyrifera) in retaining most of its foliage over winter and in having spherical, rather than one-sided flowerheads. The flowers are scented but not especially strongly. edgeworthia-2238htm'>Edgeworthia. Thymelaeaceae.


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