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A small. Pterygoneurum moss growing on an old stone wall in Timaru, New Zealand. The distinctive short-stemmed fruiting bodies suggest it is either Pterygoneurum ovatum or Pterygoneurum kozlovii. pterygoneurum-3685htm'>Pterygoneurum. <a href='pottiaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Pottiaceae</a>. Order: Pottiales</a>

A small. Pterygoneurum moss growing on an old stone wall in Timaru, New Zealand. The distinctive short-stemmed fruiting bodies suggest it is either Pterygoneurum ovatum or Pterygoneurum kozlovii. pterygoneurum-3685htm'>Pterygoneurum. Pottiaceae. Order: Pottiales


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ID: CFGhb50.jpg






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