Dodonaea viscosa Purpurea

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Purple-leafed. Ake. Ake or Hop. Bush (<i>Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'), a purple-bronze-leafed cultivar of a widely distributed warm-temperate to subtropical shrub or small tree that grows to as much as 9m tall, though -5m is more typical. The reddish flowers are not especially showy, but as seen here, the similarly coloured papery seedpods that follow often make a better display. dodonaea-2692htm'>Dodonaea. <a href='sapindaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Sapindaceae</a>. Order: Sapindales</a>

Purple-leafed. Ake. Ake or Hop. Bush (Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea'), a purple-bronze-leafed cultivar of a widely distributed warm-temperate to subtropical shrub or small tree that grows to as much as 9m tall, though -5m is more typical. The reddish flowers are not especially showy, but as seen here, the similarly coloured papery seedpods that follow often make a better display. dodonaea-2692htm'>Dodonaea. Sapindaceae. Order: Sapindales


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