Sarcocornia quinqueflora

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Beaded. Samphire or Beaded. Glasswort (<i>Sarcocornia quinqueflora [syn. Salicornia australis]), a carpeting coastal perennial or subshrub native to Australia and New Zealand It is notable for its ability to survive in salt-saturated soils. In sheltered places it can grow to 50cm tall but is usually kept much shorter by constant exposure to coastal winds. In addition to a few flowers, this image shows the fruits, which are pushed off the end of the stems as they ripen. sarcocornia-3280htm'>Sarcocornia. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Amaranthaceae Order: Caryophyllales</a>

Beaded. Samphire or Beaded. Glasswort (Sarcocornia quinqueflora [syn. Salicornia australis]), a carpeting coastal perennial or subshrub native to Australia and New Zealand It is notable for its ability to survive in salt-saturated soils. In sheltered places it can grow to 50cm tall but is usually kept much shorter by constant exposure to coastal winds. In addition to a few flowers, this image shows the fruits, which are pushed off the end of the stems as they ripen. sarcocornia-3280htm'>Sarcocornia. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Amaranthaceae Order: Caryophyllales


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