Tricyrtis formosana

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Tricyrtis formosana, a Toad. Lily native to Taiwan. Toad lilies are sprawling autumn-flowering perennials native to temperate. East Asia. Tricyrtis formosana can reach 12m high and up to 2m wide and its somewhat downy foliage remains deep green further into autumn than that of most species. tricyrtis-2303htm'>Tricyrtis. <a href='liliaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Liliaceae</a>.

Tricyrtis formosana, a Toad. Lily native to Taiwan. Toad lilies are sprawling autumn-flowering perennials native to temperate. East Asia. Tricyrtis formosana can reach 12m high and up to 2m wide and its somewhat downy foliage remains deep green further into autumn than that of most species. tricyrtis-2303htm'>Tricyrtis. Liliaceae.


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