Salvia greggii 'Mesa Azure'

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Salvia greggii 'Mesa Azure', a purple-pink-flowered cultivar of Autumn Sage, a 35-50cm tall, summer- to autumn-flowering perennial or subshrub native to Texas and nearby parts of Mexico. The species usually has intensely red flowers, less commonly purple or pink, but cultivars are also available in soft yellow to apricot shades. Order: Lamiales, Family: Lamiaceae

Salvia greggii 'Mesa Azure', a purple-pink-flowered cultivar of Autumn Sage, a 35-50cm tall, summer- to autumn-flowering perennial or subshrub native to Texas and nearby parts of Mexico. The species usually has intensely red flowers, less commonly purple or pink, but cultivars are also available in soft yellow to apricot shades. Order: Lamiales, Family: Lamiaceae


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