Trifolium arvense

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Haresfoot. Trefoil, Rabbitfoot. Clover or Stone. Clover (<i>Trifolium arvense</i>), a now widely naturalised Eurasian annual or biennial that is most commonly seen as a weed on sandy or stony ground. Its white flowers are tiny but they are crowded together in a downy pink inflorescence. trifolium-3369htm'>Trifolium.

Haresfoot. Trefoil, Rabbitfoot. Clover or Stone. Clover (Trifolium arvense), a now widely naturalised Eurasian annual or biennial that is most commonly seen as a weed on sandy or stony ground. Its white flowers are tiny but they are crowded together in a downy pink inflorescence. trifolium-3369htm'>Trifolium.


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