Chamaecyparis lawsoniana Southern Gold

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Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'SouthernGold', an especially bright golden-foliaged cultivar of the Lawson cypress from western North America. It has a strongly conical growth habit and can grow to over 20m tall It is shown here is summer, when the foliage is at its greenest. chamaecyparis-2076htm'>Chamaecyparis. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana 'SouthernGold', an especially bright golden-foliaged cultivar of the Lawson cypress from western North America. It has a strongly conical growth habit and can grow to over 20m tall It is shown here is summer, when the foliage is at its greenest. chamaecyparis-2076htm'>Chamaecyparis. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae


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