Verbascum thapsus

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The underside of the foliage of Aaron's Rod (<i>Verbascum thapsus</i>), a Eurasian biennial that in its second year develops a flower spike up to 2m tall It has become widely naturalised and is now considered a weed in many areas, though as it tends to thrive only on poor ground, it is usually tolerated. verbascum-3385htm'>Verbascum. <a href='scrophulariaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Scrophulariaceae</a>.

The underside of the foliage of Aaron's Rod (Verbascum thapsus), a Eurasian biennial that in its second year develops a flower spike up to 2m tall It has become widely naturalised and is now considered a weed in many areas, though as it tends to thrive only on poor ground, it is usually tolerated. verbascum-3385htm'>Verbascum. Scrophulariaceae.


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