Cordyline australis

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Cabbage Tree (<i>Cordyline australis</i>), the most common of several similar agave-like perennials endemic to New Zealand Inflorescences of cream flowers open in spring are followed in autumn by similarly coloured berry-like fruit. It is sometimes used as a substitute for palm trees in cool climates and for that reason is sometimes known as Cornish. Palm, though it is neither Cornish nor a palm.

Cabbage Tree (Cordyline australis), the most common of several similar agave-like perennials endemic to New Zealand Inflorescences of cream flowers open in spring are followed in autumn by similarly coloured berry-like fruit. It is sometimes used as a substitute for palm trees in cool climates and for that reason is sometimes known as Cornish. Palm, though it is neither Cornish nor a palm.


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ID: CFGfj83.jpg






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