Eucalyptus macarthurii

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The bark of the Camden. Woollybutt or Paddy's River Box (<i>Eucalyptus macarthurii</i>), a narrow, 30-45m tall evergreen tree native to the ranges between Sydney and Canberra,Australia and now endangered in the wild. Its paired, narrow heart-shaped leaves are up to 15cm long, the bark is thick, furrowed and persistent on the trunk, and the small cream flowers open in spring. Order: Myrtales, Family: Myrtaceae

The bark of the Camden. Woollybutt or Paddy's River Box (Eucalyptus macarthurii), a narrow, 30-45m tall evergreen tree native to the ranges between Sydney and Canberra,Australia and now endangered in the wild. Its paired, narrow heart-shaped leaves are up to 15cm long, the bark is thick, furrowed and persistent on the trunk, and the small cream flowers open in spring. Order: Myrtales, Family: Myrtaceae


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ID: CFGfe96.jpg






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