Davidsonia pruriens

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Davidson's Plum or Ooray (<i>Davidsonia pruriens</i>), a slender evergreen tree from northeastern Australia. Often somewhat hidden by the foliage, the spikes of small pink flowers seen here develop into edible plum-like fruit. The densely hairy foliage can have an irritant effect if handled. davidsonia-2855htm'>Davidsonia. <a href='cunoniaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Cunoniaceae</a>.

Davidson's Plum or Ooray (Davidsonia pruriens), a slender evergreen tree from northeastern Australia. Often somewhat hidden by the foliage, the spikes of small pink flowers seen here develop into edible plum-like fruit. The densely hairy foliage can have an irritant effect if handled. davidsonia-2855htm'>Davidsonia. Cunoniaceae.


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