Spergularia tasmanica

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Tasmanian. Sand Spurrey (<i>Spergularia tasmanica</i>), a small, spreading, prostrate, short-lived perennial with green to bronze foliage and tiny, 5-petalled pale pink flowers that quickly fade to white. It occurs naturally through most of New Zealand andAustralia. spergularia-3322htm'>Spergularia. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Caryophyllaceae

Tasmanian. Sand Spurrey (Spergularia tasmanica), a small, spreading, prostrate, short-lived perennial with green to bronze foliage and tiny, 5-petalled pale pink flowers that quickly fade to white. It occurs naturally through most of New Zealand andAustralia. spergularia-3322htm'>Spergularia. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Caryophyllaceae


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