Griselinia lucida

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Puka or Akapuka (<i>Griselinia lucida</i>), a glossy-leafed evergreen shrub native to New Zealand, where it is found over much of the two main islands. It can develop onto a small tree up to 8m tall but is usually considerably smaller. Its greenish flowers are inconspicuous and are followed by fleshy purple-black fruits. The leaves are larger and more elliptical, less rounded, than those of the more common. Griselinia littoralis. griselinia-2290htm'>Griselinia. <a href='griseliniaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Griseliniaceae</a>.

Puka or Akapuka (Griselinia lucida), a glossy-leafed evergreen shrub native to New Zealand, where it is found over much of the two main islands. It can develop onto a small tree up to 8m tall but is usually considerably smaller. Its greenish flowers are inconspicuous and are followed by fleshy purple-black fruits. The leaves are larger and more elliptical, less rounded, than those of the more common. Griselinia littoralis. griselinia-2290htm'>Griselinia. Griseliniaceae.


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