Paulownia tomentosa

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Winter bare branches of the Princess Tree or Empress. Tree (<i>Paulownia tomentosa</i>) with new flower buds and seedpods from the previous year about to open. This spring-flowering deciduous tree to 20m tall occurs naturally in central and western China. It is sometimes called the Chinese Foxglove because of the shape of the flowers. The flowerheads are followed by seedpods that rattle in the breeze when ripe. paulownia-2479htm'>Paulownia. <a href='paulowniaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Paulowniaceae</a>.

Winter bare branches of the Princess Tree or Empress. Tree (Paulownia tomentosa) with new flower buds and seedpods from the previous year about to open. This spring-flowering deciduous tree to 20m tall occurs naturally in central and western China. It is sometimes called the Chinese Foxglove because of the shape of the flowers. The flowerheads are followed by seedpods that rattle in the breeze when ripe. paulownia-2479htm'>Paulownia. Paulowniaceae.


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ID: CFGfa34.jpg






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