Hesperocyparis arizonica Arctic

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Closeup of the foliage of Hesperocyparis arizonica (syn. Cupressus arizonica</i>) 'Arctic', a might green and cream variegated form of the Arizona cypress — a 25m tall tree native to southeast Arizona, west. Texas and northern Mexico 'Arctic' appears to have a more compact growth habit and is often listed under. Cupressus glabra. The coloration is most intense in spring and summer as the pale tones are mainly at the branch tips on the new growth. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae

Closeup of the foliage of Hesperocyparis arizonica (syn. Cupressus arizonica) 'Arctic', a might green and cream variegated form of the Arizona cypress — a 25m tall tree native to southeast Arizona, west. Texas and northern Mexico 'Arctic' appears to have a more compact growth habit and is often listed under. Cupressus glabra. The coloration is most intense in spring and summer as the pale tones are mainly at the branch tips on the new growth. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae


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ID: CFGez13.jpg






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