Phyllocladus trichomanoides

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The bark of the Celery Pine or Tanekaha (<i>Phyllocladus trichomanoides</i>), an evergreen coniferous tree native to New Zealand It grows to 20m tall and has leaflike stems known as phylloclades. The strobili are reddish, and the fruit is a berry-like cone with a green to creamy white aril surrounding a single seed. Order: Araucariales, Family: Podocarpaceae

The bark of the Celery Pine or Tanekaha (Phyllocladus trichomanoides), an evergreen coniferous tree native to New Zealand It grows to 20m tall and has leaflike stems known as phylloclades. The strobili are reddish, and the fruit is a berry-like cone with a green to creamy white aril surrounding a single seed. Order: Araucariales, Family: Podocarpaceae


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ID: CFGey56.jpg






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