Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis

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Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis, a largely unarmed natural variety of the Honey. Locust, a usually fiercely thorny, deciduous, leguminous tree from central and eastern North America. It has lush deep green foliage that eventually turns yellow before falling in autumn. The tiny flowers develop into large red-brown seed pods that contain an edible pulp and which are sometimes used as stock feed. gleditsia-2289htm'>Gleditsia.

Gleditsia triacanthos var. inermis, a largely unarmed natural variety of the Honey. Locust, a usually fiercely thorny, deciduous, leguminous tree from central and eastern North America. It has lush deep green foliage that eventually turns yellow before falling in autumn. The tiny flowers develop into large red-brown seed pods that contain an edible pulp and which are sometimes used as stock feed. gleditsia-2289htm'>Gleditsia.


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