Ptychosperma macarthurii

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Macarthur. Palm (<i>Ptychosperma macarthurii</i>), a multi-trunked, clump-forming feather palm with a rather disrupted distribution from tropical Queensland to Northern Territory and New Guinea. While not common in the wild, it is extensively cultivated. It produces pendulous sprays of cream flowers that are followed by red fruits. ptychosperma-2550htm'>Ptychosperma.

Macarthur. Palm (Ptychosperma macarthurii), a multi-trunked, clump-forming feather palm with a rather disrupted distribution from tropical Queensland to Northern Territory and New Guinea. While not common in the wild, it is extensively cultivated. It produces pendulous sprays of cream flowers that are followed by red fruits. ptychosperma-2550htm'>Ptychosperma.


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ID: CFGes37.jpg






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