Prumnopitys ladei

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The summer foliage and near-mature fruits of the Mount Spurgeon. Black Pine or Queensland. Matai (<i>Prumnopitys ladei</i>), a slow-growing, often shrubby conifer that will eventually develop into a 10m tall tree. The plant has a very restricted natural range on the Atherton. Tablelands of northeastern Queensland. Although native to tropical rainforests, it is surprisingly hardy and can be grown in temperate climate gardens. prumnopitys-2756htm'>Prumnopitys. <a href='podocarpaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Podocarpaceae</a>.

The summer foliage and near-mature fruits of the Mount Spurgeon. Black Pine or Queensland. Matai (Prumnopitys ladei), a slow-growing, often shrubby conifer that will eventually develop into a 10m tall tree. The plant has a very restricted natural range on the Atherton. Tablelands of northeastern Queensland. Although native to tropical rainforests, it is surprisingly hardy and can be grown in temperate climate gardens. prumnopitys-2756htm'>Prumnopitys. Podocarpaceae.


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