Hordeum murinum

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Mouse. Barley or Barley. Grass (<i>Hordeum murinum [syn. Critesion murinum]), a quick-growing annual grass. Although quite lush in growth and very palatable in appearance, it is considered a pasture weed as the barbs on the seed heads cut and irritate the mouths of stock and become imbedded in their pelts. hordeum-2292htm'>Hordeum. .

Mouse. Barley or Barley. Grass (Hordeum murinum [syn. Critesion murinum]), a quick-growing annual grass. Although quite lush in growth and very palatable in appearance, it is considered a pasture weed as the barbs on the seed heads cut and irritate the mouths of stock and become imbedded in their pelts. hordeum-2292htm'>Hordeum. .


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