Lily Anthers

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Two lilies that show the two types of articulation of the anthers in the genus. Lilium. The upper flower, 'Richmond' , has anthers that are an extension of the filament and continue in the same plane. The lower flower is 'Casablanca', which shows the hinged form, in which the anthers hang from the tip of the filament from a hinge point near their centre. These forms have probably evolved to meet the needs of varying pollinators. lilium-2171htm'>Lilium. <a href='liliaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Liliaceae</a>.

Two lilies that show the two types of articulation of the anthers in the genus. Lilium. The upper flower, 'Richmond' , has anthers that are an extension of the filament and continue in the same plane. The lower flower is 'Casablanca', which shows the hinged form, in which the anthers hang from the tip of the filament from a hinge point near their centre. These forms have probably evolved to meet the needs of varying pollinators. lilium-2171htm'>Lilium. Liliaceae.


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ID: CFGdy37.jpg






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