Eucalyptus sideroxylon

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The very dark trunks of young. Ironbark or Mugga. Trees (<i>Eucalyptus sideroxylon</i>). This 35m tall evergreen tree is native to southeastern Australia. It often has a weeping habit and unlike many eucalypts its very dark bark, which is often lighter on mature trees, is permanent and does not peel away. The species has creamy white flowers and along with the pink-flowered form 'Rosea' is widely grown for its flower display. Order: Myrtales, Family: Myrtaceae

The very dark trunks of young. Ironbark or Mugga. Trees (Eucalyptus sideroxylon). This 35m tall evergreen tree is native to southeastern Australia. It often has a weeping habit and unlike many eucalypts its very dark bark, which is often lighter on mature trees, is permanent and does not peel away. The species has creamy white flowers and along with the pink-flowered form 'Rosea' is widely grown for its flower display. Order: Myrtales, Family: Myrtaceae


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ID: CFGdu22.jpg






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