Cordyline australis Purpurea

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Cordyline australis 'Purpurea', a purple bronze foliage form of the Cabbage Tree or Ti. Kouka, an evergreen sword-leaved tree native to New Zealand It is smaller than the species and can be cultivated as a container plant. Young trees often have quite bright purple-red foliage, but regrettably the leaves of mature plants tend to look rather faded in comparison.

Cordyline australis 'Purpurea', a purple bronze foliage form of the Cabbage Tree or Ti. Kouka, an evergreen sword-leaved tree native to New Zealand It is smaller than the species and can be cultivated as a container plant. Young trees often have quite bright purple-red foliage, but regrettably the leaves of mature plants tend to look rather faded in comparison.


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ID: CFGds97.jpg






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