Robinia pseudoacacia Mop Top

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A row of Robinia pseudoacacia 'Mop. Top' trees that have not been trimmed for 7 years. This densely twiggy cultivar of the thornless form of the common black locust ('Inermis') is grafted onto standard trunks of various heights to make 'lollipop' style tree with a dense foliage crown atop a narrow trunk. The look can be effective, but it is often a lot of work to keep the top neat, the trunk free of side-shoots and the plant clear of stem borers. These examples are on land abandoned after an earthquake and have been left to grow unchecked. robinia-2218htm'>Robinia.

A row of Robinia pseudoacacia 'Mop. Top' trees that have not been trimmed for 7 years. This densely twiggy cultivar of the thornless form of the common black locust ('Inermis') is grafted onto standard trunks of various heights to make 'lollipop' style tree with a dense foliage crown atop a narrow trunk. The look can be effective, but it is often a lot of work to keep the top neat, the trunk free of side-shoots and the plant clear of stem borers. These examples are on land abandoned after an earthquake and have been left to grow unchecked. robinia-2218htm'>Robinia.


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ID: CFGdp16.jpg






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