Atriplex prostrata

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Orache (<i>Atriplex prostrata</i>), a coastal and estuarine perennial that is quite variable in appearance depending on its exposure to sun, wind and salt. In an exposed coastal position, it is often very low-growing, but as this example shows, it can scramble and gain some height. The foliage is grey-green with a red tint to the stems and leaf margins. The clustered flowerheads also have a red tint Eurasian in origin, it is now widely naturalised. atriplex-3513htm'>Atriplex. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Amaranthaceae

Orache (Atriplex prostrata), a coastal and estuarine perennial that is quite variable in appearance depending on its exposure to sun, wind and salt. In an exposed coastal position, it is often very low-growing, but as this example shows, it can scramble and gain some height. The foliage is grey-green with a red tint to the stems and leaf margins. The clustered flowerheads also have a red tint Eurasian in origin, it is now widely naturalised. atriplex-3513htm'>Atriplex. Order: Caryophyllales, Family: Amaranthaceae


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ID: CFGdj74.jpg






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