Oenothera glazioviana

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Large-flowered Evening Primrose (<i>Oenothera glazioviana</i>), a 15-2m tall summer-flowering biennial originally native to northwestern Europe but now widely naturalised through most of the temperate to subtropical zones. It prefers to grow in gravelly soils, such as riverbeds. oenothera-3186htm'>Oenothera. <a href='onagraceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Onagraceae</a>.

Large-flowered Evening Primrose (Oenothera glazioviana), a 15-2m tall summer-flowering biennial originally native to northwestern Europe but now widely naturalised through most of the temperate to subtropical zones. It prefers to grow in gravelly soils, such as riverbeds. oenothera-3186htm'>Oenothera. Onagraceae.


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