Phytolacca esculenta

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Indian. Pokeweed (<i>Phytolacca esculenta [syn. Phytolacca acinosa]) as the flowers finish but before the fruit has developed much colour. This woody-stemmed perennial or deciduous subshrub is found from southwestern China to Southeast Asia and Japan. It bears 15-30cm long spikes of cream flowers, mainly in summer, followed by heads of fruit that are purple-black when ripe. The juice of the fruit can cause permanent stains. The plant has been used medicinally in its native range and the leaves are edible when young, if cooked. phytolacca-3218htm'>Phytolacca. <a href='phytolaccaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Phytolaccaceae</a>.

Indian. Pokeweed (Phytolacca esculenta [syn. Phytolacca acinosa]) as the flowers finish but before the fruit has developed much colour. This woody-stemmed perennial or deciduous subshrub is found from southwestern China to Southeast Asia and Japan. It bears 15-30cm long spikes of cream flowers, mainly in summer, followed by heads of fruit that are purple-black when ripe. The juice of the fruit can cause permanent stains. The plant has been used medicinally in its native range and the leaves are edible when young, if cooked. phytolacca-3218htm'>Phytolacca. Phytolaccaceae.


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