Cynoglossum amabile

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Chinese Forget-Me-Not or Chinese Hound's Tongue (<i>Cynoglossum amabile</i>), an upright, clump-forming, annual to 50cm high, with bristly leaves and heads of small, pale to deep blue flowers that open from mid- to late spring. It is native to temperate Asia and is seen here growing as wildflower or garden escape. cynoglossum-2845htm'>Cynoglossum.

Chinese Forget-Me-Not or Chinese Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum amabile), an upright, clump-forming, annual to 50cm high, with bristly leaves and heads of small, pale to deep blue flowers that open from mid- to late spring. It is native to temperate Asia and is seen here growing as wildflower or garden escape. cynoglossum-2845htm'>Cynoglossum.


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ID: CFGda79.jpg






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