Lupinus - Russell Hybrids

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A field of Russell. Lupins (<i>US lupines</i>) being grown for seed production. These hardy perennials, originally introduced by George. Russell of York, England, were mainly derived from Lupinus polyphyllus and Lupinus arboreus. They frequently naturalise in well-drained stony ground and have become a feature of the high country of New Zealand's South Island lupinus-3109htm'>Lupinus.

A field of Russell. Lupins (US lupines) being grown for seed production. These hardy perennials, originally introduced by George. Russell of York, England, were mainly derived from Lupinus polyphyllus and Lupinus arboreus. They frequently naturalise in well-drained stony ground and have become a feature of the high country of New Zealand's South Island lupinus-3109htm'>Lupinus.


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ID: CFGcr81.jpg






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