Valerianella locusta

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Corn. Salad (<i>Valerianella locusta</i>), a quick-growing annual that is eaten as a salad vegetable. It was originally native to Eurasia and North Africa but is now widely cultivated and has become naturalised is some places, particularly. North America. It grows to around 30cm high and produces heads of minute, very pale blue flowers in spring. Also known as lambs' lettuce, nut lettuce, field salad, rapunzel and fetticus. valerianella-3624htm'>Valerianella. <a href='caprifoliaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Caprifoliaceae</a>.

Corn. Salad (Valerianella locusta), a quick-growing annual that is eaten as a salad vegetable. It was originally native to Eurasia and North Africa but is now widely cultivated and has become naturalised is some places, particularly. North America. It grows to around 30cm high and produces heads of minute, very pale blue flowers in spring. Also known as lambs' lettuce, nut lettuce, field salad, rapunzel and fetticus. valerianella-3624htm'>Valerianella. Caprifoliaceae.


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ID: CFGcq06.jpg






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