Rhododendron grande

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Rhododendron grande, one of the Grandia series of large-leaved species, this evergreen shrub or small tree can grow to 10m tall and has heavily veined leaves up to 30cm long. The flower trusses, pink in bud opening pale cream to white with a deep purple-red base inside around the nectaries, are made up of up to 25 flowers each of which can reach 50mm long. It is native to northern India, Nepal and neighbouring parts of China

Rhododendron grande, one of the Grandia series of large-leaved species, this evergreen shrub or small tree can grow to 10m tall and has heavily veined leaves up to 30cm long. The flower trusses, pink in bud opening pale cream to white with a deep purple-red base inside around the nectaries, are made up of up to 25 flowers each of which can reach 50mm long. It is native to northern India, Nepal and neighbouring parts of China


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