Petroselinum crispum

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Parsley (<i>Petroselinum crispum</i>), a European aromatic perennial, often short-lived, that is usually cultivated as a culinary garnish, though it is also used in annual borders as a foliage accent. It occurs in various forms, including types with very dark foliage, the various curled leaf forms and flat-leaved, as shown here. petroselinum-3210htm'>Petroselinum.

Parsley (Petroselinum crispum), a European aromatic perennial, often short-lived, that is usually cultivated as a culinary garnish, though it is also used in annual borders as a foliage accent. It occurs in various forms, including types with very dark foliage, the various curled leaf forms and flat-leaved, as shown here. petroselinum-3210htm'>Petroselinum.


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ID: CFGcc77.jpg






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