Picris echioides

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Oxtongue or Bristly. Oxtongue (<i>Picris echioides [syn. Helminthotheca eichioides]), a bristly-haired annual or perennial dandelion- or groundsel-like daisy that occurs as a weed of waste and cultivated ground. Originally native to southern Europe, it is now widely naturalised. When young it forms a rosette of basal leaves are up to 25cm long, but as the plant ages it develops flower stems to 1m tall, with smaller leaves, and can become quite woody. picris-3219htm'>Picris.

Oxtongue or Bristly. Oxtongue (Picris echioides [syn. Helminthotheca eichioides]), a bristly-haired annual or perennial dandelion- or groundsel-like daisy that occurs as a weed of waste and cultivated ground. Originally native to southern Europe, it is now widely naturalised. When young it forms a rosette of basal leaves are up to 25cm long, but as the plant ages it develops flower stems to 1m tall, with smaller leaves, and can become quite woody. picris-3219htm'>Picris.


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