Livistona australis

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Detail of the Gippsland Palm, Cabbage. Palm or Australian Fan Palm (<i>Livistona australis</i>), a 12-2.5m tall palm from central to northern parts of the east coast of Australia . It can be distinguished from other. Livistona species by only having conspicuous brown spines on the rachis, narrow leaflet that begin to droop about halfway along their length and mainly fibrous, not papery, thatch around the leaf bases at the crown. livistona-2547htm'>Livistona.

Detail of the Gippsland Palm, Cabbage. Palm or Australian Fan Palm (Livistona australis), a 12-2.5m tall palm from central to northern parts of the east coast of Australia . It can be distinguished from other. Livistona species by only having conspicuous brown spines on the rachis, narrow leaflet that begin to droop about halfway along their length and mainly fibrous, not papery, thatch around the leaf bases at the crown. livistona-2547htm'>Livistona.


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ID: CFGca56.jpg






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