Ligustrum ovalifolium

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The flowers of California. Privet (<i>Ligustrum ovalifolium</i>), an evergreen shrub to 4m tall that despite its common name is native to Japan. The panicles of white flowers that appear in spring and early summer have a slightly unpleasant scent. The flowers are followed by glossy black berries that can be abundant and which often last well into winter. This species is often used for hedging. ligustrum-3093htm'>Ligustrum. <a href='oleaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Oleaceae</a>.

The flowers of California. Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium), an evergreen shrub to 4m tall that despite its common name is native to Japan. The panicles of white flowers that appear in spring and early summer have a slightly unpleasant scent. The flowers are followed by glossy black berries that can be abundant and which often last well into winter. This species is often used for hedging. ligustrum-3093htm'>Ligustrum. Oleaceae.


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ID: CFGbx09.jpg






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