Castanea sativa

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Edible Chestnut or Sweet Chestnut (<i>Castanea sativa</i>) with remnants of the flowers. Chestnuts have separate male and female flowers on the same tree. The long sprays of male flowers soon brown and fall, but the smaller heads of spiky female flowers develop into the familiar spiny nut cases. This 40m tall deciduous tree is native to southern Europe, North Africa and western Asia. castanea-2419htm'>Castanea. Order: Fagales, Family: Fagaceae

Edible Chestnut or Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa) with remnants of the flowers. Chestnuts have separate male and female flowers on the same tree. The long sprays of male flowers soon brown and fall, but the smaller heads of spiky female flowers develop into the familiar spiny nut cases. This 40m tall deciduous tree is native to southern Europe, North Africa and western Asia. castanea-2419htm'>Castanea. Order: Fagales, Family: Fagaceae


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