Alcantarea imperialis Rubra

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Alcantarea imperialis 'Rubra' (syn. Vriesea imperialis 'Rubra'), a strongly purple-red-tinted cultivar of an impressively large bromeliad native to Brazil. The leaves can grow to over 12m long and it can take many years before the plant produces its impressive 2-3m tall inflorescence, after which the plant dies. alcantarea-3552htm'>Alcantarea.

Alcantarea imperialis 'Rubra' (syn. Vriesea imperialis 'Rubra'), a strongly purple-red-tinted cultivar of an impressively large bromeliad native to Brazil. The leaves can grow to over 12m long and it can take many years before the plant produces its impressive 2-3m tall inflorescence, after which the plant dies. alcantarea-3552htm'>Alcantarea.


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