Soliva sessilis

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Bindi Weed, Onehunga Weed, Burr Weed or Prickle. Weed (<i>Soliva sessilis</i>), an annual weed often found in lawns, where its spine tipped leaves and seeds can make walking bare-footed very unpleasant. The ferny foliage develops in spring, as do the inconspicuous flowerheads; it is a daisy. Originally native to South America, it is now widely naturalised and considered a weed.

Bindi Weed, Onehunga Weed, Burr Weed or Prickle. Weed (Soliva sessilis), an annual weed often found in lawns, where its spine tipped leaves and seeds can make walking bare-footed very unpleasant. The ferny foliage develops in spring, as do the inconspicuous flowerheads; it is a daisy. Originally native to South America, it is now widely naturalised and considered a weed.


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