Rosa multiflora

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Rosa multiflora (syn. Rosa polyantha</i>), a vigorous, near-thornless and often near evergreen rose native to Japan, Korea and nearby parts of China. Rosa multiflora is not widely cultivated for its own sake but is one of the most popular rootstocks on which to bud hybrid roses. However, it can be invasive and is considered a noxious weed in some areas. Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae

Rosa multiflora (syn. Rosa polyantha), a vigorous, near-thornless and often near evergreen rose native to Japan, Korea and nearby parts of China. Rosa multiflora is not widely cultivated for its own sake but is one of the most popular rootstocks on which to bud hybrid roses. However, it can be invasive and is considered a noxious weed in some areas. Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae


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