Leptinella pusilla

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Purple Brass. Buttons (<i>Leptinella pusilla [syn. Cotula perpusilla]), a low growing, spreading perennial found through much of New Zealand at elevations up to 1200m altitude. In open sunny spots it often develops strong purple-bronze foliage tints. Unlike most. Leptinella species it flowers in spring, not summer. In this image its flowerhead are well advanced but not quite open

Purple Brass. Buttons (Leptinella pusilla [syn. Cotula perpusilla]), a low growing, spreading perennial found through much of New Zealand at elevations up to 1200m altitude. In open sunny spots it often develops strong purple-bronze foliage tints. Unlike most. Leptinella species it flowers in spring, not summer. In this image its flowerhead are well advanced but not quite open


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ID: CFGbi38.jpg






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