Cryptomeria japonica var sinensis

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The winter foliage and developing male cones of Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis (syn. Cryptomeria fortunei</i>), a southern Chinese variety of Japanese cedar with longer leaves and shorter cone scales than the species. Its foliage may not develop the bronze winter tones seen in the typical Japanese form. cryptomeria-2228htm'>Cryptomeria. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae

The winter foliage and developing male cones of Cryptomeria japonica var. sinensis (syn. Cryptomeria fortunei), a southern Chinese variety of Japanese cedar with longer leaves and shorter cone scales than the species. Its foliage may not develop the bronze winter tones seen in the typical Japanese form. cryptomeria-2228htm'>Cryptomeria. Order: Pinales, Family: Cupressaceae


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ID: CFGbe27.jpg






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