Paspalum dilitatum

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Dallis. Grass or Paspalum (<i>Paspalum dilitatum</i>), a quick-growing, spreading perennial grass from Brazil and Argentina that is widely considered to be a weed outside its native range. It has short but strong rhizomes, can cover a large area and has resistance to some herbicides. As seen here, the flower and seedheads are quite distinctive. paspalum-3533htm'>Paspalum. .

Dallis. Grass or Paspalum (Paspalum dilitatum), a quick-growing, spreading perennial grass from Brazil and Argentina that is widely considered to be a weed outside its native range. It has short but strong rhizomes, can cover a large area and has resistance to some herbicides. As seen here, the flower and seedheads are quite distinctive. paspalum-3533htm'>Paspalum. .


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