Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat'

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The late autumn foliage of Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat', a strongly upright cultivar of the Callery Pear, a deciduous tree native to China 'Aristocrat' grows to around 13m tall, has masses of white flowers in spring, bright red autumn foliage and unlike the species its branches are thornless. The fruit may be red-tinted, though this is sometimes masked by the russet overtones 'Aristocrat' is a popular street tree. Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae

The late autumn foliage of Pyrus calleryana 'Aristocrat', a strongly upright cultivar of the Callery Pear, a deciduous tree native to China 'Aristocrat' grows to around 13m tall, has masses of white flowers in spring, bright red autumn foliage and unlike the species its branches are thornless. The fruit may be red-tinted, though this is sometimes masked by the russet overtones 'Aristocrat' is a popular street tree. Order: Rosales, Family: Rosaceae


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ID: CFGba24.jpg






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