Laphangium luteoalbum

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Jersey. Cudweed (<i>Laphangium luteoalbum [syns. Gnaphalium luteoalbum, Helichrysum luteoalbum]), an annual daisy with silver felted leaves and heads of small petalless flowers that rapidly develop into a fluffy seed head. Probably originally Eurasian, it is now widely established as a weed of cultivation. laphangium-3523htm'>Laphangium.

Jersey. Cudweed (Laphangium luteoalbum [syns. Gnaphalium luteoalbum, Helichrysum luteoalbum]), an annual daisy with silver felted leaves and heads of small petalless flowers that rapidly develop into a fluffy seed head. Probably originally Eurasian, it is now widely established as a weed of cultivation. laphangium-3523htm'>Laphangium.


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ID: CFGax60.jpg






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