Quercus crassifolia

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The summer foliage and developing acorns of the Leatherleaf Mexican Oak (<i>Quercus crassifolia</i>), an evergreen to semi-deciduous tree native to the mountains of central Mexico. It can grow to around 25m tall and is notable for its thick, roughly textured foliage that has a buff indumentum on the undersides and all over the very young leaves. In the wild it often crosses with Quercus crassipes to form a hybrid known as Quercus x dysophylla

The summer foliage and developing acorns of the Leatherleaf Mexican Oak (Quercus crassifolia), an evergreen to semi-deciduous tree native to the mountains of central Mexico. It can grow to around 25m tall and is notable for its thick, roughly textured foliage that has a buff indumentum on the undersides and all over the very young leaves. In the wild it often crosses with Quercus crassipes to form a hybrid known as Quercus x dysophylla


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ID: CFGar19.jpg






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