Magnolia delavayi

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Delavay's Magnolia (<i>Magnolia delavayi</i>), an evergreen, summer-flowering tree native to southern China in Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, where it occurs from 1500-2800m altitude. The flowers, which are 15-25 cm diameter, are sweetly scented but individually seldom last more than a day or two, though the blooming season continues for several weeks. In addition to the flowers, this plant has very bold and attractive foliage. Order: Magnoliales, Family: Magnoliaceae

Delavay's Magnolia (Magnolia delavayi), an evergreen, summer-flowering tree native to southern China in Guizhou, Sichuan and Yunnan provinces, where it occurs from 1500-2800m altitude. The flowers, which are 15-25 cm diameter, are sweetly scented but individually seldom last more than a day or two, though the blooming season continues for several weeks. In addition to the flowers, this plant has very bold and attractive foliage. Order: Magnoliales, Family: Magnoliaceae


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ID: CFGam18.jpg






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