Lagarostrobos franklinii

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Huon. Pine (<i>Lagarostrobos franklinii [syn. Dacrydium franklinii</i>), an evergreen, 30m tall conifer native to western Tasmania. It is cultivated as an ornamental and also widely used as a timber tree. Its wood is aromatic, rot-resistant and very attractively grained. It was widely used in shipbuilding in the 19th century and is popular with wood carvers and turners. The tree is now rare in the wild and a recently discovered stand contains trees thought to be among the world's oldest. This photo shows a male plant with pollen cones soon to open. lagarostrobos-3490htm'>Lagarostrobos. <a href='podocarpaceae-plant-family-photoshtml'>Podocarpaceae</a>.

Huon. Pine (Lagarostrobos franklinii [syn. Dacrydium franklinii), an evergreen, 30m tall conifer native to western Tasmania. It is cultivated as an ornamental and also widely used as a timber tree. Its wood is aromatic, rot-resistant and very attractively grained. It was widely used in shipbuilding in the 19th century and is popular with wood carvers and turners. The tree is now rare in the wild and a recently discovered stand contains trees thought to be among the world's oldest. This photo shows a male plant with pollen cones soon to open. lagarostrobos-3490htm'>Lagarostrobos. Podocarpaceae.


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