Gleditsia sinensis

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Chinese Honey. Locust or Soap. Pod (<i>Gleditsia sinensis</i>) in winter. This fiercely thorny, 10-15m tall, deciduous tree is native to China and Korea. It has pinnate leaves up to 30cm long and its purplish seedpods, visible here, are rich in saponins and have long been used to produce soap where the tree occurs naturally. The thorns which emerge in branched clusters from the trunk have local medicinal uses. gleditsia-2289htm'>Gleditsia.

Chinese Honey. Locust or Soap. Pod (Gleditsia sinensis) in winter. This fiercely thorny, 10-15m tall, deciduous tree is native to China and Korea. It has pinnate leaves up to 30cm long and its purplish seedpods, visible here, are rich in saponins and have long been used to produce soap where the tree occurs naturally. The thorns which emerge in branched clusters from the trunk have local medicinal uses. gleditsia-2289htm'>Gleditsia.


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ID: CFGz865.jpg






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